
Traffic information

Details of current or expected road closures or traffic disruptions in the municipality of Chalais.

Route du Téléphérique

Closing information

From 11.04.2023 to 30.06.2023 and from 21.08.2023 to 27.10.2023 (date to be determined at time of award)
In the 2023 budget, the Commune of Chalais and Oiken are planning to replace the industrial, drinking water and electricity pipes and to lay a gas pipe. The road will be opened to road traffic and pedestrian bridges will be built to facilitate access to your home. Residents who are unable to park their vehicles will be able to use the earthen car park at Les Avouintsettes.

From Monday May 8, 2023 at 7:00 a.m.
The access road to the Téléphérique will be closed to vehicles for several weeks. Pedestrian access will be provided for local residents. The civil engineering firm SOLIOZ & MERKLI will be happy to help you with heavy loads or other needs.

From 12.06.2023 to 27.10.2023

A logging and skidding project will be carried out in the Vercorin region at the Forêt du Ban. A footpath will be closed for this work: Route du Ban à l'Ar de Bran (Route du Ban 606 542 / 121 937 à l'Ar de Bran 605 992 / 120 995).
For this section, a detour will be set up via the refuge du Bisse forest road. Closure signs will be posted on the roads in question.